Day 7

Today, I were asked to create a quiz to assess their students learning outcomes with several tools such as,, and

While using polleverywhere, although it’s a lot of features,  I found that I would not use it at all. It was so complex. However when I use testmoz, it only can make question with words, but it is easy to use, in other words, I know how to use it. And wenjuanxing was more convenient, it had many templates and could insert a picture in the question. It is also a lot of features, and the page is very simple, even if the first use is also no difficulty.

Wenjuanxing has a total of six functions: questionnaires, online examinations, online voting, registration form, 360 degree assessment, online evaluation.  Questionnaires is to get the information you need by asking people to answer some questions. The online exam is done within a specified time to complete the examination paper to check the degree of understanding of knowledge. Online voting can understand the wishes of the title, to achieve perfect results. The registration form is used to check in to determine if people are present on time. 360-degree assessment refers to the bulk assessment, weight dimension, easy to release, personal report.

In the pre-class to do a check-in table to determine the number of attendance, the class can be based on the content of the study to prepare a small test, after school and then use wenjuanxing to do a time limit test to detect the degree of student absorption.

I think it meet the standard that ‘Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments’. I use these tools to do questionnaires, online exams, small tests and scoring criteria. It meets that design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards•S.

Here is My Rubric

Here is my tset

Here is my wenjuanxing

